hello u ols. been a while tak post pape entry since the previous one. due to busyness and lazyness. well u know la, tuan tanah blog ni kadang2 tiada mood utk mengepos cerita disini.
Been 2 days i got back home quite late compared to usual time. after 8 baru gerak dari office. currently im driving. dah tak naik train. ye la if i naik train balik lewat, cmne gaya nye kan?
2 days working ni, mmg menguji kesabaran. kerja yang sedang tuan tanah kerjakan hari2 di opis mengalami masalah tidak stabil. bila tak stabil, system tu shaky. membuatkan kadang2 tuan tanah rasa nak campak pc ke luar tingkap. hiks
tapi takpe, still enjoy my work. tp kan dah 2 hari ni i banyak received nasihat, opinions from the upper level tau. bos besa, bos kecik banyak yg dtg berkongsi cerita itu ini. and yes dlm banyak2 citer tu ade la bab cmne u biasakan diri dgn environment, relationship among workers, bla bla
made me think, yeah maybe other people looking the situation at a different perspective. not like me. maybe sometimes tu yg buatkan timbul soal puas ati or tidak. satu lg bila boss2 keep ckp sesama malay pun saling menindas. which is not good kan?
ahh biakan cite itu. ni nak bitau setelah 4 bulan menjadi gadis koridor due to mmg tempat i kat koridor opis hehehe i dapat pindah ke cubicle sendiri. even for temporary i guess, tp still alhamdulillah ade cubicle. duduk pun dgn2 org yg dah kenal. yg mesra lagi peramah. so hopefully everythings fine there.
overall these 2 days agak memenatkan. tp i enjoy testing the system. seriously. im loving it.
Been 2 days i got back home quite late compared to usual time. after 8 baru gerak dari office. currently im driving. dah tak naik train. ye la if i naik train balik lewat, cmne gaya nye kan?
2 days working ni, mmg menguji kesabaran. kerja yang sedang tuan tanah kerjakan hari2 di opis mengalami masalah tidak stabil. bila tak stabil, system tu shaky. membuatkan kadang2 tuan tanah rasa nak campak pc ke luar tingkap. hiks
tapi takpe, still enjoy my work. tp kan dah 2 hari ni i banyak received nasihat, opinions from the upper level tau. bos besa, bos kecik banyak yg dtg berkongsi cerita itu ini. and yes dlm banyak2 citer tu ade la bab cmne u biasakan diri dgn environment, relationship among workers, bla bla
made me think, yeah maybe other people looking the situation at a different perspective. not like me. maybe sometimes tu yg buatkan timbul soal puas ati or tidak. satu lg bila boss2 keep ckp sesama malay pun saling menindas. which is not good kan?
ahh biakan cite itu. ni nak bitau setelah 4 bulan menjadi gadis koridor due to mmg tempat i kat koridor opis hehehe i dapat pindah ke cubicle sendiri. even for temporary i guess, tp still alhamdulillah ade cubicle. duduk pun dgn2 org yg dah kenal. yg mesra lagi peramah. so hopefully everythings fine there.
overall these 2 days agak memenatkan. tp i enjoy testing the system. seriously. im loving it.